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Privacy Policy

Dental clinic Laurus Dent plus privacy policy

This privacy policy of SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" (reg. no. 52803007251) registered in the Latvian Commercial Register sets out our information collection and distribution practices in connection with the website and its mobile version applications and other services that we provide to users (hereinafter collectively referred to in the text as “Services”). By using our services, you consent to our collection and use of personal data or other information you provide while using the services in accordance with the company's Privacy Policy. We will not disclose your personal data to other persons, except in the cases mentioned in this Privacy Policy. By using the Services, you consent to our collection and use of personal data or other information you provide while using the Services in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We will process the personal information you provide in Latvia only in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of physical persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data and other applicable regulatory enactments in the field of privacy.


Users are not required to register or provide personal information before viewing the website or accessing its content. The information collected is related to data about how many customers visit the website, which pages are viewed, what information is downloaded, what type of web browser and operating system are used, what is the name of the Internet service provider, etc. When visiting the website of SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus", information is collected automatically. This information is intended to learn how the website can be better adapted to the needs of visitors. The accumulated personal data of the client will be processed by SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" in order to provide the client with information about the products and services of SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus", in accordance with the Privacy Policy.

If the customer wants to use the service provided by SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus", then when contacting the customer, information about his name, address, e-mail address, phone number and country will be requested. SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" is entitled to use the information provided by the client for the purpose of ensuring the operation of the company, to form cooperation, to inform the client about products and services, to ensure the availability of information to the client online, as well as to personalize and improve the operation of the Website. This can take the form of advertising offers for products and new types of services, prepared according to customer wishes and requests and provided to the customer online or via e-mail with the relevant customer consent, or in accordance with the requirements of regulatory acts.

SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" will process personal data by applying internal procedures and control measures to prevent unauthorized use, access, disclosure, copying, modification or damage of personal data, and will also use all reasonable means to ensure the security and integrity of personal data and privacy. SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" will process Personal Data only in good faith and in accordance with the law and will not use Personal Data for purposes that do not correspond to the purposes for which SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" has received Personal Data. In order to ensure the Privacy Policy, SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" has developed and will be guided by the "Information Systems Security Policy" and "Internal Information Systems Security Regulations".


SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" collects data about the website user using cookies in order to improve the services available to users. Cookies are files that websites place on users' computers in order to recognize the user and make it easier for them to use the website. Internet browsers can be configured so that they warn the customer about the use of cookies and allow the customer to choose whether to accept them. Not accepting cookies will not prohibit the client from using the Site, but it may limit the client's ability to use the Site.

Further information about cookies, as well as how to manage or delete them, can be found at


SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" website uses cookies so that the website remembers:

  • have you already consented to our use of cookies on this website;
  • vimeo cookies, unique identifiers assigned to a computer to track vimeo video views;
  • Google Maps cookie that records the use of the map.


On the website of SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus", cookies created by the program "Google Analytics" created by "Google Inc" have been installed. The purpose of using "Google Analytics" cookies is to improve the quality of the content of the DVI website and to adapt the content to the needs of users. You can read more about the terms of service of "Google Analytics" at

If you want SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" not to obtain information about your activities on the website, you must activate the Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on ( 181881) plug-in. This add-on communicates with Google Analytics JavaScript (ga.js) to indicate that data about the respective website visit should not be sent to Google Analytics.


In the course of our activity, we use other companies that help SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" and its clients, who help SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" and its clients in the conduct of commercial activities, in order to implement the relevant cooperation. However, in such cases, SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" will request from the data recipients a commitment to use the received information only for the purposes for which the data were transferred, and in accordance with the requirements of the applicable laws and regulations. These companies may not use this information for any other purpose and must keep the information confidential.


SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" may contact you about topics such as special offers, service offers, service updates, contests, as well as significant amendments to our Privacy Policy. By providing us with your email address and/or mobile phone number, you agree to receive such communications. You are in full control of the personally identifiable information you provide to us on this website. You can change your choice regarding further communication at any time by sending information to Or, if you prefer, express your desire to delete your data.

Please note: if you opt out of receiving communications, this may affect the services you have chosen to receive from us, if those services require your acceptance of such communications.


Other websites made available through the use of the Services (whether through hyperlinks and advertisements or otherwise) have their own privacy and data collection, use and disclosure policies. Please read the privacy policies before use. We do not review the privacy policies of third parties, and we are not responsible for their privacy practices, the availability or reliability of their services, or the accuracy or completeness of their content.


SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus" has the right to amend these Privacy Protection Terms from time to time at its discretion.


It is important for us to know what our visitors think, so if you have any questions about how we collect, store and use your personal information and data, please contact us in one of the ways below:

  • call us in Latvia on phone number +371 67224064 or +371 22428688
  • write to us at the e-mail address
  • write to us at the following postal address (with the indication "About online privacy"): SIA "LAURUS DENT Plus", Maskavas Street 12k-1, Riga, Latvia, LV - 1050