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Oral hygiene

Oral hygiene plays a key role in maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Our dental team teaches patients proper oral care techniques to prevent tooth decay, gum disease and other problems. We recommend regular checkups and professional dental cleanings, and teach effective brushing techniques and the use of additional hygiene products such as floss and mouthwash. Take care of your smile today with the advice of our oral hygiene experts!

Professional oral hygiene is the key to a beautiful smile Insufficient oral hygiene is the main reason for the development of such common dental diseases as caries and periodontal disease. In dentistry in Riga, Laurus Dent plus, you can whiten your teeth using innovative materials that do not have a destructive effect on tooth enamel and adjacent tissues. We are talking not just about the aesthetic side of a smile, but about the comprehensive restoration of healthy microflora of the oral cavity, including the removal of tartar, the deposits of which provoke caries and periodontal disease. Dental hygiene is not only about a high-quality brush, effective toothpaste and warm water. Throughout the day, it is necessary to use special threads to remove food debris and disinfectant rinses, but this is not enough, especially in the case of patients who smoke a lot and often drink coffee and flavored drinks. Nicotine and a number of products accumulate on the surface of the dentition in the form of abundant plaque, which turns over time into tartar - the cause of inevitable periodontal disease. The result is bad breath even after brushing your teeth, yellow and gray color of the dentition, and the formation of caries. Professional oral hygiene in a dental clinic is necessary 1-2 times a year, and for people who smoke a lot - once every 4 months. The need for periodic removal of tartar is also determined by the increased content of carbohydrates in food, frequent flour and sweet snacks, and an unbalanced diet with a lack of microelements that are important for maintaining the hardness and strength of tooth enamel. Dental hygiene with innovative whitening Teeth whitening is a procedure whose safety can only be guaranteed by a reputable dental clinic. You should absolutely not use homemade or chemical preparations for this purpose. In dentistry in Riga, Laurus Dent plus, the removal of soft and hard plaque, as well as tartar, is carried out using ultrasonic equipment and special instruments. Next, the teeth are polished using professional pastes and air-abrasive AIR-FLOW technology. Various methods are used to whiten and lighten teeth in a wide price range.


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