Teeth whitening is a quick and effective way to give your smile brightness and confidence. Our cosmetic dentistry specialists offer professional whitening using safe and effective methods. We approach each patient individually, taking into account their needs and desires in order to achieve optimal results. Our goal is to make your smile more attractive and confident while maintaining the health of your teeth. Trust us and we will help you achieve the snow-white smile you have always dreamed of! Wisdom tooth extraction is often a necessary procedure when a wisdom tooth causes painful symptoms or creates problems with adjacent teeth. Our qualified dental surgeons offer professional wisdom tooth removal, taking into account the individual characteristics of each patient. We use modern pain management techniques and provide a comfortable experience for our patients. After the procedure, we also provide aftercare recommendations to ensure a quick and safe recovery. Trust our experience, and we will help you get rid of unpleasant symptoms and restore your dental health. After a thorough examination of the oral cavity, the dentist draws up a treatment plan that is agreed with the patient. If there is no acute pain, it is better to start with oral hygiene. After hygiene, you can begin treatment.
We offer all types of fillings:
- Light-curing materials (white fillings)
- Amalgam (silver fillings)
- Ceramic onlays or inlays (ceramic fillings or laminates)
"We use only high-quality and highly aesthetic materials, turning any restoration into a skillful work that recreates the natural anatomy of the tooth."
We use only high-quality and highly aesthetic materials, turning any restoration into a skillful work that recreates the natural anatomy of the tooth.
Service | Price, Eur |
Teeth whitening products at home | 200.00/250.00 |